Greetings & Welcome to Liberty Castle

The title of this site is taken from my different interests, which are very eclectic to say the least. The information you will find on these web pages is collected from various places and, in many cases, is backed by historical and/or current scientific facts. Some other information comes from respected philologus articles & opinions, as well as my own opinions of various matters.

In Life one must: Battle On...

Gate to the Castle

When you pass through these gates you enter Liberty Castle where you will find truth or at least the other side of the story... Let your mind open up and explore the other side of the Battlefield... Yes, it is a battlefield of minds... Explore other sides of the story, never believe what you see or hear till you check into more facts and more than one place... The pages of the Eclectic Knights Castle will change and flow with new information.. Some of which will be changing or more to be added later... Unlike the U.S. Constitution which should be changed with very much care and trepedation which is still just as pertinent today as it was the day it was ratified May 29, 1790...

"I am the American Flag"

St. Charles Journal, July 7th, 1976
St Charles, Missouri

I am the American flag. And my country and I are celebrating our two hundredth birthday as a free nation. I was born among the ideas of men who sacrificed their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors so that the cause for which they stood would live.

I am an emblem of freedom, love, honor, and all it has taken to make my country the most unselfish nation on earth. We might still be bound to our mother nation maybe never to know the real meaning of freedom if not for the courage of our founding fathers who said,

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

"I am the American Flag"

To those gallant Americans who gave so much that we might live, and to those who have died preserving our freedom from all who have tried to enforce their will upon us, I humbley dedicate the following:

I've been carried in battle by many brave men, I have been carried in wars I thought wouldn't end, and I've been changed for the good in days gone by, to better a cause that can never die.

I've been spat on, burned and trampled in dirt, each time that happens it's a greater hurt, but I'll continue to be the emblem I am, as part of my country and Uncle Sam.

When you fight for and honor the country you serve your place history will be deserved.

So be grateful the land that you live is free, many brave men before made sure it would be.

"I am the American Flag"

My purpose has a magnificient part putting love of country in every heart. That's why I am proud if someone will say the pledge allegience to me ever day.

When you look at me hold your head up high, let the words flow free from deep inside.

I'm Amerca's flag that you're pledging to, so be proud of her, and she'll be proud of you.

Then maybe soon every nation will find, they can all live together for the good of mankind.

If they do then, there may be peace on earth eternally.

Yes, two hundred years have passed somehow, but we'll still be young a thousand years from now.

William Estes
Route 2, O'Fallon, Missouri